Tyler Tennant


The Designli blog.

Resources for unlocking your next level of business growth with custom-built software.

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3 min read

How to Craft a Unique Value Proposition that Works

A unique value proposition is going to be your key for attracting and keeping customers. A unique value proposition, or UVP, is a clear, straight-to-the-point, easily digestible bit of information that details what sets you, your product/service,...

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6 Tips for Creating an Effective Ecommerce App

To ecommerce app or not to ecommerce app? In our world, speed, concision, and convenience are of utmost importance, and if you’re not making sure...

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4 min read

Best Practices for Researching Your Competition

The idea stage is the perfect time for market research and researching your competition. You may have a rock-solid idea that you think will blow the...

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3 min read

5 Steps to Speed Up Your App or Mobile Site

People need speed. Aberdeen’s June Benchmark report found that even just a lag of one second can lose customers for your app. Think about it: just a...

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4 min read

3 Uncommon Steps to Successful Viral Marketing for Startups

We previously discussed in last week’s blog post the 4 features of successful, high-growth startups. The first feature, viral marketing, is an...

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5 min read

4 Features of High-Growth Startups

High-growth startups have captured market opportunities and momentum in an unprecedented way in the contemporary era. There are several components...

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4 min read

5 Steps To Usability Testing for Your App

Let’s think about some bad case scenarios where you haven’t used usability testing. You pour thousands into developing an app you’re sure people are...

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6 min read

Investors, Pitch Decks, and You: How to Get Funded

One of the biggest obstacles that you can run into when developing an app is money. Business overhead, logistics, paying developers and designers and...

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3 min read

Don’t Reinvent the Wheel: Easy Steps to Validate Your App

We’ve all seen the thousands of apps that pop up whenever we search “fitness” or “food” or “mental health,” and it’s impossible to know which app is...

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4 min read

Engagement 101: Metrics, Apps, and You

We’ve previously written about successful tips on how to wireframe your app and how to figure out the least and crucial amount of things you need to...

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4 min read

Explaining Your App with User Stories

User stories are informal, short, and sweet. They’re an easy way of provoking proper feedback and discussion around what your app is doing...

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