Step into the SolutionLab to outgrow your legacy limitations.,iterate on existing software.,prototype something new.

Modernize legacy systems, unlock innovation, and overcome past limitations with the Designli: focused on adaptable enterprise software development.

Building applications for businesses.

Enterprises eventually reach the limits of their existing systems:

  • Paper processes
  • Rented, disjointed SaaS tools
  • Custom-coded systems that can’t scale, have poor UX, or face technical debt

For an established enterprise, the first step is often to integrate with existing systems and ensure uninterrupted service. Then we can start iterating as soon as possible. Flexible team engagements allow you to scale up at will.

Once you’ve hit critical velocity, you can decelerate without layoffs.


Enterprise software development.

Your business runs exactly as quickly and smoothly as the applications you depend on. Custom web apps offer a number of benefits, not the least of which is functionality for computer-based users.

Easy sharing and superior accessibility are two more reasons to choose web app development.


Entreprise mobile app development.

When using a mobile device, people overwhelmingly prefer applications over browsers. If your users need to use your application on the go, mobile-first design is a must.

This is ideal any time you have reps in the field. GPS features, push notifications, and offline availability are also great for users who aren’t always in front of computers.


Cross-platform enterprise application development.

Sometimes it isn’t an option to choose just a web app or a mobile application. In that case, why not have both?

Designing for cross-platform deployment from a common codebase is the most efficient way to serve all users at all times. The best option is often to start with a scalable, versatile NodeJS backend. From there, React and React Native make the core of the system available from any device.

Who we work with.

Designli works with established enterprises that want to modernize their proprietary applications. No offense to the green screens that still continue to support many massive businesses. At some point, though, legacy systems have to pass the torch.

At National Trench Safety, leadership knew it was time to make a change when the existing customer portal became a source of frustration. Slow loading times, confusing data visualization, and underwhelming reports drove users to create support tickets instead of self-serving. A new portal cured enough headaches to drive adoption almost immediately.

Our enterprise clients often return to us for project after project. First, it might be for a custom portal on top of an existing ERP. Next, it could be a new internal ticketing system. After that, you might prioritize inventory management.

When the time comes, you can choose to revolutionize an old reliable application, or start fresh with a completely new solution.

Code takeover and feature development for enterprise apps.

We’ll count on familiarizing ourselves with your existing codebase right away. Then we can get to work.

  • Squash bugs.
  • Establish integrations.
  • Untangle spaghetti code.
  • Add functionality for new users.

You’ll see cleaner, more efficient code one sprint at a time.


New software development for enterprises.

Tell us about your goals. We’ll obsess over your users with you to make sure we start with the most important features. Then we can hone in on the perfect user experience together, one agile sprint at a time.

Even when starting a new app from scratch, we understand that you already have an entire ecosystem of enterprise applications. By prioritizing integrations, you can be sure your newest application is a source of truth, not just another program to juggle.


Let's get started.