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Angular Development Pros and Cons: Is It Right for Your Web Application

Angular Development Pros and Cons: Is It Right for Your Web Application

Choosing a front-end framework like Angular for your web application can significantly impact development speed, scalability, and maintainability. Angular, developed and maintained by Google, is a popular choice among enterprises and startups alike. This TypeScript-based framework supports high-performance web applications and is often used in conjunction with Node.js, MongoDB, and Express as part of the MEAN stack. 

In this article, we’ll unpack the pros and cons of Angular so you can decide whether or not it’s a good fit for your web application. 

What is Angular?

Angular is an open-source front-end framework supported by Google and written in TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript. Released in 2010, Angular was created by Miško Hevery as AngularJS, which used JavaScript. The modern Angular framework has shifted to TypeScript, enabling faster development and improved code quality.

Major features include component-based architecture, lazy loading, and server-side rendering. Angular is commonly used to develop single-page applications (SPAs), progressive web applications (PWAs), and large-scale enterprise apps. Major Angular updates are now released on a set schedule every six months.

Companies Using Angular

Angular remains a pervasive front-end technology, and numerous top companies rely on the framework. Here are just a few examples of firms that use Angular: 

  • Amazon (e-commerce platform)
  • Delta (airline industry)
  • Deutsche Bank (finance and banking)
  • Netflix (streaming service)
  • PayPal (finacial services)
  • UpWork (freelance marketplace)

Angular applications are used across industries, including tech, finance, travel, entertainment, and more.

Best Uses for Angular

Angular is ideal for web applications that require modularity, scalability, and performance. Popular use cases include single-page applications (SPAs), which load all content within a single HTML page. Other projects, like progressive web applications (PWAs) and complex web applications for enterprise use, are also well-suited to the Angular framework.

Often, Angular is used in conjunction with three popular JavaScript technologies to form the “MEAN” tech stack: 

  • M: MongoDB, a NoSQL database
  • E: Express, a back-end JavaScript framework for NodeJS
  • A: Angular, a front-end TypeScript framework
  • N: NodeJS, runtime environment

The right framework depends on your project requirements and goals. While Angular is a powerful and popular option, it’s not right for every application. That’s why, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons of Angular carefully before solidifying your tech stack. 

Learn More: The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Tech Stack for Your Product

Pros of Angular Development

1. Comprehensive Framework

Angular is a fully-fledged framework with extensive features available for creating enterprise-scale applications. With Angular, developers have access to everything they need for front-end development, meaning they don’t need to pull in external libraries to manage key elements. This cuts back on hassle and development—important benefits, especially for complex projects. 

2. Two-Way Data Binding

Angular offers two-way data binding, meaning that when a developer changes something in the model, the view synchronizes in real time. Instead of writing additional code to align the model and view, the two sync automatically. This also has important usability implications. For example, when a user fills out a form field, the text dynamically updates the attribute on the page, without needing to press a save button. This game-changing benefit offers improved development efficiency and convenience.

3. Modular Architecture

One of the best parts of using a modular framework like Angular is access to reusable code components. Angular’s bundles of TypeScript make it easier to maintain code, especially for large-scale projects. Updates can be made to individual components without requiring widespread updates to the application.

4. Strong Community and Support

Angular has amassed a large developer community over the years. Developers who use the framework have access to an abundance of resources, tutorials, and third-party tools. Angular’s strong developer community makes troubleshooting and debugging more efficient. It also means access to consistent updates and improvements. 

5. Dependency Injection

Angular offers a built-in way to inject dependencies into the code. Instead of creating rules within individual components, Angular lets developers create rules that affect the way certain pieces of code interact with each other under set conditions. Practically speaking, this quality of Angular enhances code readability and maintainability. Dependency injection also facilitates testing, since dependencies can easily be swapped out. 

6. TypeScript Integration

One of the most powerful features of Angular is its deep integration with TypeScript, a statically typed superset of JavaScript developed by Microsoft. Unlike JavaScript, which is dynamically typed, TypeScript allows developers to define data types explicitly. This ensures errors are caught during the development process, instead of at runtime. As a result, TypeScript can significantly reduce bugs in production.

For large-scale applications, TypeScript offers several key benefits:

  • Type Checking: TypeScript’s static typing allows developers to spot errors in the code early, leading to more robust and maintainable codebases. This is especially important in enterprise-level applications where ensuring high-quality code across multiple teams is critical.
  • Enhanced Refactoring: With TypeScript, refactoring large codebases becomes easier and less error-prone thanks to its support for features like interfaces, type aliases, and abstract classes. This allows developers to confidently make big changes without worrying about introducing new bugs.
  • Better IDE Support: TypeScript improves the development experience with better support in integrated development environments (IDEs) like Visual Studio Code and WebStorm. Features like autocomplete, IntelliSense, and real-time error checking help developers code faster and with fewer mistakes.
  • Optional Type Annotations: While TypeScript enforces type safety, developers can still opt for flexible type annotations when needed, making the development process less rigid and more adaptable to different project requirements.

By using TypeScript, Angular developers can write cleaner, more organized code, which not only improves code maintainability but also boosts the scalability of applications. As a result, Angular works well for enterprise-level projects where the complexity and scale demand a more structured development approach.

7. High Performance

Angular offers several features that support excellent performance. The framework uses Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilation, which converts high-level TypeScript into lower-level JavaScript before the program is executed in the browser. As a result, Angular is optimized for fast rendering.

8. Robust Testing Environment

Angular simplifies the quality assurance process with built-in tools for unit and end-to-end testing. The modular component nature of Angular makes it easier to pinpoint and address issues quickly. Included testing frameworks also help ensure code reliability, giving developers confidence about the quality of the code when they launch.

9. Continuous Improvement 

Angular is constantly evolving, meaning developers can count on new features and improvements. For companies considering long-term maintenance of their tech stack, regularly scheduled updates offer peace of mind that the framework will not stagnate over time. Angular’s backward compatibility means that newer libraries support two major previous releases. For example, Angular 18 will still support Angular 16, with a few exceptions. Likewise, all major Angular releases are supported for 18 months. Angular’s long-term support (LTS) model and backward compatibility mean that organizations can have confidence in the sustainability of the technology, even as it changes.

Cons of Angular Development

1. Steep Learning Curve

Angular isn’t a beginner-friendly framework. Its complexity—including features like dependency injection—is a turn-off to some users. Because it’s based on TypeScript, some developers also complain that it requires learning another programming language in addition to JavaScript. Mastering Angular takes time. For organizations, onboarding a new team member without Angular experience could slow down a project timeline. 

2. Verbose and Complex Code

Angular isn’t exactly known for being concise. Some features may require multiple layers of code, including several components and dependencies. For smaller projects, the verbosity of Angular can be overwhelming. Depending on the application, the template structure of Angular leads to increased development time.

3. Performance Issues in Large Applications

Although Angular touts its performance-centric approach, complex applications require careful optimization. Solutions with complex data binding can result in potential slowdowns. Angular applications with lots of front-end interaction and DOM manipulation might experience performance issues. 

4. Frequent Updates and Changes

Angular releases major upgrades on a set schedule every six months, in addition to smaller, periodic changes. These frequent changes require developers to keep up with new Angular versions. As a result, applications built in Angular require a commitment to continuous learning and adaptation on the part of the development team.

5. Opinionated Framework

Angular is often described as “strict,” requiring developers to conform to specific development patterns. This lack of flexibility can be frustrating and limiting for some teams, especially when compared to other more adaptable frameworks. Angular is not a great fit for developers who prefer a less rigid coding philosophy.

6. SEO Challenges

Due to the nature of single-page applications, Angular poses a particular set of challenges for SEO. Search engines often have difficulty crawling JavaScript applications, resulting in delayed and incomplete indexing on some search engines. This process can also slow load times. Angular Universal offers a solution for server-side rendering (SSR) that improves SEO performance and load times — a valuable tool for users concerned about search engine rankings. Hiring an experienced development team can also help you overcome the SEO challenges associated with Angular. 

Angular Pros and Cons at a Glance

Angular Development: Pros and Cons




Comprehensive Framework

Fully-fledged, enterprise-ready; reduces the need for external libraries for key front-end elements.

Complex, may be overkill for smaller projects.

Two-Way Data Binding

Synchronizes model and view changes in real-time, enhancing development efficiency.

Potential performance lags in complex applications with extensive data binding.

Modular Architecture

Reusable components and TypeScript bundles improve maintainability and facilitate updates.

Template structure may lead to increased development time in certain applications.

Strong Community and Support

Large developer community with abundant resources and regular updates.

Steep learning curve; TypeScript knowledge required.

Dependency Injection

Improves code readability, maintainability, and testability.

May increase code complexity for some developers.

TypeScript Integration

Offers static typing, early error detection, and enhanced refactoring capabilities.

Less flexibility compared to dynamically typed languages like JavaScript.

High Performance

Utilizes AOT compilation for fast rendering.

Complex applications may require optimization to maintain high performance.

Robust Testing Environment

Built-in testing tools simplify quality assurance.

Opinionated framework may limit development flexibility.

Continuous Improvement

Regular updates and backward compatibility ensure long-term tech stack sustainability.

Frequent updates require ongoing developer adaptation.


Angular Universal improves SEO performance and load times.

Applications may require optimization and pose initial SEO challenges.


Examples of Web Applications Using Angular

You don’t have to look far to find examples of major companies trusting Angular to build their web applications. Here are just a few projects the Designli team built using the Angular framework. 


Grappos was launched out of founder Eric Kunisawa’s frustration. When he tried to find his wife’s favorite bottle of wine, he had to scour LA with no luck. So, he built a SaaS product to help. Grappos was built as a mobile-responsive web app, using Angular and NodeJS with integration to MapBox to support geocoding functionality. The Designli team continues to help Eric and the Grappos team with ongoing iteration and support. 

Read the full Grappos success story here → 

True Load Time

Founder Kevin Nadeau created True Load Time to solve a problem: billions of dollars in lost productivity for truckers due to a lack of transparency in loading and unloading times. In the SolutionLab, Designli helped clarify the project architecture and tech stack, all with a focus on user experience. The team used the agile methodology to build the application using Angular and NodeJS. 

Read the full True Load Time success story here → 

Is Angular Right for Your Web Application?

While the developer community is constantly ebbing and flowing, Angular has remained consistently one of the top frameworks. According to a 2023 developer survey by Stack Overflow, Angular was the fourth most popular web technology among professional developers.

To understand if Angular is right for you, it’s important to evaluate your project requirements carefully. Consider the size, scope, and scalability needed to accomplish your goals. For example, if you’re building a large-scale enterprise solution, Angular might be a great fit. On the other hand, Angular might not be the best choice for smaller solutions or native mobile applications. 

Be sure to weigh Angular against other front-end frameworks, too. Popular alternatives include React and Vue. These and other options have their own pros and cons. Do your research before landing on a technology for your project. 

Finally, consider your team’s expertise and preferences. Coding philosophy, developer experience, and comfort all impact whether you can enjoy any of the project’s real benefits. For example, if your developers haven’t worked with Angular before, choosing a different framework might be more efficient.

Finding an Angular Development Partner

Building a web application with Angular requires an experienced development team. Look for a partner with a high degree of comfort with Angular and the unique requirements, languages, and tools it includes. When seeking a development team, don’t be afraid to ask for proof of success. Case studies and positive reviews from past clients help instill confidence in a potential partner.

Final Thoughts on Angular Development

Angular offers numerous benefits for the right projects. The comprehensive, modular framework leverages TypeScript and offers two-way data binding, dependency injection, and built-in testing features. The strong community and high performance of Angular make it a popular front-end development framework choice, especially for complex enterprise-scale applications.

Still, Angular isn’t a perfect fit for every type of project. The framework’s steep learning curve, complexity, strictness, and frequent updates make it less favorable for smaller projects with less experienced development teams. 

Choose Designli: Your Angular Software Development Partner 

Wondering why to use Angular or another framework? We can help you make sense of your options and land on a tech stack that supports your unique goals. Reach out to schedule a free consultation with our development team. With extensive experience with Angular and many other frameworks, we’re well-equipped to help you take the next step toward your application launch. 

Explore our Custom Software Development Services →

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