Dan Gower

Dan joined Designli in June of 2023 to help with sales and marketing. Trust him... he's a salesperson.


The Designli blog.

Resources for unlocking your next level of business growth with custom-built software.

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Behavioral Design is the Future of UX

For an app or software product to be successful, users have to actually use it. How many times have you heard horror stories of companies building an expensive app or software, only to struggle to get people to adopt it? Maybe the user experience is...

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8 min read

6 Strategies to Monetize Your App (And When to Use Each)

So you’ve built a beautiful app, congratulations! But, great design only goes so far. If you don’t have a strategy to monetize your app, it’s hard to...

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7 min read

What Is an ERP Integration? An Introductory Guide

Without an air traffic control tower, pilots wouldn’t know when to safely take off or land their planes. In the same way, an enterprise resource...

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3 min read

David Setzer on Living With Purpose in Entrepreneurship

In a career that can often pull you in a thousand directions, Setzer has learned to remain disciplined in his goals and consistent in his pursuit of...

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5 min read

Consumer UX vs. Enterprise UX: Which Is Right for Your Business?

In the bustling world of technology, user experience (UX) sits at the heart of success. But the “one size fits all” notion doesn’t always apply at...

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7 min read

The Ultimate Guide to Data Collection Apps for Business

Imagine driving at night with no headlights. That’s a bit what making business decisions would feel like with no data. Assumptions make a poor guide....

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What is Flutter Application Development? (Pros and Cons)

If you’ve ever used apps like eBay, iRobot, and Google Pay on your iPhone or Android device, then you’ve experienced Flutter application development....

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4 min read

Shaler Houser on The Highs and Lows of Entrepreneurship

Through his years of experience in business, Houser has formed and reformed his definition of success. Now he offers a refined take on what making it...

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3 min read

Gore Bolton on Serial Entrepreneurship and An Idea Born From Pain

Through the relentless pursuit of his ideas, Bolton has blazed a new trail in the automation of land development. He’s succeeded in creating a brand...

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8 min read

Integration Guide for Enterprise App Development

You keep adding apps to make your business more efficient as you scale. Before you know it, managing all of your different apps has become one of...

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