The Designli blog.

Master app design and software development. Deliver impactful user experiences. Grow your business.


The Designli blog.

Resources for unlocking your next level of business growth with custom-built software.

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4 min read

Marty Osborn on Creating a Company You, and Others, Want to Work For

Advoco President Marty Osborn explains how to build a culture of trust, hard work, and fun. This post is part of The Founder Factor, where we bring you behind the scenes with South Carolina’s most impactful entrepreneurs so that you can discover the...

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The Copilot App is Designed to Help Users Keep Track of Their Money

In the “Under the Hood” Series, we look at how popular apps have grown loyal usage through behavioral design. Seeing the techniques in action should...

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4 min read

Structured App Achieved Millions of Downloads Using Behavioral Design

In the “Under the Hood” Series, we look at how popular apps have grown loyal usage through behavioral design. Seeing the techniques in action should...

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7 min read

What is a Dedicated Development Team, and When Should You Hire One?

Finding the right team to work on a software project can be daunting, and sometimes it can feel like you’re facing insurmountable odds of finding the...

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7 min read

How to Calculate ROI for Custom Software

Considering the finances is a vital part of planning your app or software project. If your company is considering custom software, you want to know...

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6 min read

Ultimate Guide to Client Portal Software

Client portals deliver a streamlined way for providers or businesses to communicate with their clients through a platform where information,...

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6 min read

Key Questions to Ask When Buying Custom Software

Custom software takes significant time and investment to build and deploy, so you don’t want to make a rash decision. Forbes reports that the annual...

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3 min read

Brandy Amidon on Evolving from Employee to Executive

It’s no secret that Brandy Amidon is an entrepreneurial powerhouse. As the youngest and first female mayor of Travelers Rest and the Co-President/CFO...

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5 min read

Is Custom Software Development Right For Your Business?

Custom software development is analogous to choosing your wedding outfit. You can buy it off the rack and wear it as it or choose to take the extra...

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4 min read

Scott Pancoast on Establishing Startups That Will Last

As a board member of a dozen different startups, Pancoast has formed a keen eye for what it takes to keep a company afloat and is sharing his wisdom...

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5 min read

Build vs. Buy: Which Option is Best for Your Business?

Perhaps your current software system isn’t hacking it for the needs of your business enterprise, leaving you to fearfully wonder, “Is it time to...

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3 min read

Robyn Grable on Advocating for Veterans and Disadvantaged Talents

Through resiliency and confidence, Grable has broken barriers in her transition from military to career life and is using this experience to help...

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3 min read

Tina Zwolinski on Being Mission-Driven to Reach Underserved Youth Through Gaming

Stepping into the world of gaming to help the younger generation have a brighter future with more job opportunities, Zwolinski has broken the...

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