The Designli blog.

Master app design and software development. Deliver impactful user experiences. Grow your business.


The Designli blog.

Resources for unlocking your next level of business growth with custom-built software.

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4 min read

7 Reasons Legacy Systems Are Holding Your Enterprise Back

When it comes to enterprise technology, a set-it-and-forget-it approach won’t cut it. Staying current in the digital age requires action. You can’t sit back and relax and expect your decades-old systems will still serve your business as they once...

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7 min read

How to Cut Software Development Costs with Nearshoring: A Comprehensive Guide

Trying to keep your competitive edge and manage costs? Investing in custom software can propel your business forward. However, the price of software...

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6 min read

Why Latin America Is Your Best Choice for Nearshore Development

Looking for a way to harness the power of custom digital solutions without losing your competitive edge? Finding that balance between quality and...

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enterprise software development team at work

5 min read

Enterprise Software Development vs. Regular Software Development

Looking to streamline operations, optimize customer interactions, or transform how your organization works? Understanding the difference between...

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6 min read

Complete Guide to Software Development Outsourcing

Imagine streamlining your inventory process with a custom app, or boosting customer engagement with a loyalty program. Outsourcing software...

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6 min read

What Is Nearshore Development and When to Use It

Is the sky-high cost of software development hindering your business growth? If you're searching for ways to build high-quality custom solutions...

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9 min read

ERP Implementation for Enterprises: A Comprehensive Checklist for Success

Implementing an employee resource planning (ERP) system is a complex process. Enterprise software implementation requires significant planning and...

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6 min read

How to Add AI to Your App

From finance to healthcare and retail to education, AI is transforming apps across industries. While some apps already use AI, most companies are...

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4 min read

The Best App Development Statistics for 2024

Whether you’re an avid app user or want to build one, read on to discover some of the top app development statistics.

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6 min read

13 Best Enterprise App Ideas For 2024

If you don’t already have one, it can be hard to imagine how your business might benefit from its own custom mobile app. But trust us: Existing...

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3 min read

How Duolingo Used Agile Iteration to Overcome Monetization Challenges

In the “ MVPs Of Apps You Know” Series, we look at how now-popular apps have overcome prior challenges in design and business strategy to find...

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4 min read

How Long Does it Take to Build an App?

Building an app is a complex operation with many factors that affect the timeline. On average you can expect a 3-12 month timeline to create an app....

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Behavioral Design is the Future of UX

For an app or software product to be successful, users have to actually use it. How many times have you heard horror stories of companies building an...

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