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The Designli blog.

Resources for unlocking your next level of business growth with custom-built software.

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The Copilot App is Designed to Help Users Keep Track of Their Money

In the “Under the Hood” Series, we look at how popular apps have grown loyal usage through behavioral design. Seeing the techniques in action should...

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5 Elements of UX Design

UX design (user experience design) defines how your users experience your app, website, or other digital product. It’s one of the most fundamental...

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20 Pros and Cons of Building a Mobile App vs. a Web App

Mobile app or web app? It’s not always a clear decision. If you survey startup founders, you will hear strong opinions on either side. The reason for...

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Guide to Monitoring and Interpreting Your Mobile App Analytics

Behind every successful app is a savvy team that understands the importance of monitoring and analyzing mobile app analytics. Analytics provide the...

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How to Field User Feedback and Prioritize It

User feedback is at the core of any successful app. It helps inform iteration decisions to ensure that the product continually meets the needs of...

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Components of an Effective Mobile App Marketing Plan

Well before you even have a product to market, you’ll want to create a mobile app marketing plan. Having a strategic plan in place will help make...

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Should I Do a Hard Launch or Soft Launch for My App?

You have many choices to make when you first start marketing a product. Some of these decisions will be dictated by your resources. Others will be...

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How to Run a Successful Social Media Campaign for a Product Launch

The best place to find prospective customers for your soon-to-launch product is where they’re hanging out online — especially on their favorite...

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How to Build the Perfect Pre-Launch Landing Page

A pre-launch landing page is specifically designed to provide a source of leads that you can follow up with once your product is launched (or in some...

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6 Ways to Build Pre-Launch Buzz for Your App

A successful product launch is boosted by pre-launch buzz. Smart launch teams seek to generate interest ahead of release to drive stronger sales on...

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How to Measure App Performance to Iterate Effectively

The first version of an app is designed to be tested. You need to know what features resonate with users and what’s lacking. You need to know how...

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How to Run a Beta Trial and Report Bugs to Your Developers

Beta testing is one of the most important parts of product development. It’s your best defense against bugs and usability issues prior to launch. The...

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3 min read

5 Characteristics of Good App Beta Testers

Apps don’t become successful without testing. Testing allows you to gain valuable feedback to determine how useful and usable your app is, and how...

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