The Designli blog.

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The Designli blog.

Resources for unlocking your next level of business growth with custom-built software.

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Navigating the Cross-Platform App Development Landscape: A Comprehensive Guide to Frameworks

Building an app is hard enough, so building it twice? Well, many companies don’t want to spend that kind of time and money. That’s what makes...

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What is Bootstrapping? Pros and Cons for Startup Founders

Startup funding often brings to mind dramatic pitch moments in front of investors, similar to the scenarios seen on Shark Tank. However, for most...

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How to Get Investors for Your Mobile App Startups

Startup founders agree: It’s rough out there. In the face of a bear market, shrinking venture investments, and fewer exits, securing funding takes...

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6 min read

Proof of Concept, Prototype, or MVP? Choosing the Right Step for Your Software Idea

So you’re ready to take the next step toward making your software idea a reality. It's time to build an MVP, right? Or, wait, is it a proof of...

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5 min read

MVP Funding Explained: Strategies for Startup Growth and Investment

Nearly half of businesses close in the first five years. A lack of funding is often to blame. While there’s no silver bullet to startup success,...

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The MVP Advantage: Launching Your Product with Confidence

Launching a successful product is challenging, but it doesn't have to be a gamble. There is a way to test the waters, validate your idea, and gather...

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How MVP Development Helps Startups Secure Funding

Did you know that 90% of startups fail? The path to success is paved with challenges, and securing funding is often the biggest hurdle. But what if...

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6 min read

7 Steps to Launch a Mobile App (+  Downloadable Pre-Launch Checklist)

Launching a new app? Avoid costly launch delays and ensure a successful app rollout with these 7 essential steps.

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5 min read

6 Scrappy App Soft Launch Ideas That Work

You’ve invested countless hours into your app or software creation. Now, it’s time to introduce your brainchild to the world. The only question...

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Behavioral Design is the Future of UX

For an app or software product to be successful, users have to actually use it. How many times have you heard horror stories of companies building an...

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What is Flutter Application Development? (Pros and Cons)

If you’ve ever used apps like eBay, iRobot, and Google Pay on your iPhone or Android device, then you’ve experienced Flutter application development....

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7 min read

What is a Dedicated Development Team, and When Should You Hire One?

Finding the right team to work on a software project can be daunting, and sometimes it can feel like you’re facing insurmountable odds of finding the...

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6 min read

What is ChatGPT and How Can It Be Used In Apps?

If you spend any amount of time online, chances are you’ve heard of ChatGPT, but maybe you don’t know what exactly it does. That’s okay—you’re not...

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