The Designli blog.

Master app design and software development. Deliver impactful user experiences. Grow your business.


The Designli blog.

Resources for unlocking your next level of business growth with custom-built software.

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4 min read

5 Most Important UI Design Elements With Examples

The user interface (UI) for your digital products is fundamental to their success. UI defines how people interact with your app or website, so your...

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4 min read

12 Best UX Designer Interview Questions

In the modern landscape of technology, there is a ton of competition. And the hard truth is—no product can succeed without an excellent UX Designer.

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6 min read

7-Step Checklist to Build a Successful MVP

A minimum viable product (MVP) is an essential part of product development. While it’s not your end goal, the MVP is an important stepping stone to...

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3 min read

An Easy Content Creation Process for Resource-Strapped Startups

Creating effective content is a challenge for any company, but early-stage startups without a lot of capital resources often find it even more...

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3 min read

The Power of Storytelling for Startups

Every story, from the fairytales we read as young children to the origin story of our favorite brand, contains powerful elements that build trust and...

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4 min read

Video Content Marketing for Startups

There’s a reason 81% of businesses are using video in their marketing strategy. Video is an ideal medium to quickly engage and educate prospective...

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5 min read

The Essential Guide to Content Marketing for Startups

Unfortunately, the old adage originating from Field of Dreams, “If you build it, they will come,” just isn’t true. Unless your prospective users know...

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3 min read

How to Start Developing an App

A concept is just the first step toward building a successful app. Because there are so many apps available today, you’ll need to be sure that yours...

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3 min read

How Long Does It Take to Get an App To Market?

It doesn’t take a crystal ball to determine how long it will take you to get an app to market. What it does take is proactive decision-making, a...

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3 min read

What Percentage of Equity Compensation Should I Give My Developer?

An app begins with a germ of an idea. You may flesh out your idea and validate it on your own, but to bring your app to life, you’ll need a...

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3 min read

How to Iterate or Pivot in Times of Turbulence

Periodically, a major event will upend an industry or a market — or, as in the case of the current COVID-19 pandemic, the world. These events can...

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Legal and Accounting for Startups: What Professionals Do I Need to Launch my Business?

As a founder, you may be inclined to do everything yourself when you’re first starting out. Until you have a strategy to bring in revenue, it can be...

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How to Create Financial Projections as a Startup Without Sales History

New startups don’t have a history of operations or sales, so they often have trouble knowing how to create financial projections for their business...

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